An animated look at the origin of Wolverine Though I really don't like the animation style used in Wolverine Origin I can't deny its beauty. It's like watching a mildly animated water color painting.<br/><br/>It tells the story of Wolverines origin (Shockingly) in a suitably gritty and dark tone.<br/><br/>Standing at only an hour it certainly has minimal content but managed to entertain me for the duration.<br/><br/>This Marvel Knights effort will certainly appeal to Wolverine fans but for folks like me I found it lackluster. Beautiful, engaging but lackluster.<br/><br/>The Good: <br/><br/>Beautiful <br/><br/>Well made <br/><br/>The Bad: <br/><br/>Not a fan of that style of animation <br/><br/>Tad short <br/><br/>Things I Learnt From This Movie: <br/><br/>Wolverine based his style on the abusive father of the man who killed his own father I had no idea what I'm getting myself into when I started watching this show. It's definitely not for children. It's a gritty story filled with violence and heart breaking drama that digs into the very darkness of the human spirit. It's definitely worth watching even if you're not a Wolverine fan or a comics fan. I see it more like a period piece, the story of a young kid trying to fight through the hardships of life in the 1800s whilst coming to terms with tragic loss and his mutant powers. The only reason I didn't give it a 10 is because the whole thing is a bit too serious, there are very few funny or light hearted moments -if any- and the drama just keeps adding up. But it's still a good watch, I fully recommend it to everyone.
Grangreg replied
337 weeks ago