674da32071 He is saving His best for last! And part of this great move of God is your destiny in His plan for these last days! Read more Regular Price:$11.45 Free With 30-Day Trial Membership Membership Details: First book free with 30-day trial$14.95/month thereafter for your choice of 1 new book each monthCancel easily anytimeExchange books you don't likeAll selected books are yours to keep, even if you cancel - or - $11.45 Add to Basket Publisher's Summary Revival is sweeping the globe! God is sending another wave of revival across the world. It will be reviewed by Audible and we will take appropriate action. Focusing on key scriptural foundations that were at the heart of great revivalists such as Charles Parham, William Seymour, John G. "Just recently they took another census in the islands and couldn't find a young man under 30 who wasn't a believer – a complete reversal.". "I shall not eat until the power of God falls on you," she told the rebellious children. This was real. He is calling us out of our comfort zone to catch this wave of His Spirit's most powerful move yet.
Immediately I was intrigued and began to quiz Su Nae about her experiences. So we began praying for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, not only for ourselves, but for the seminary. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I was sure we weren't experiencing it. **Teaching Series audio recorded from a live author seminar.** View In iTunes $3.95Narrator: Ron McIntoshPublished: 2012Category: Religion & SpiritualityProvider: Destiny ImagePresented by Audible.com Customer Ratings We have not received enough ratings to display an average for this audiobook. Please try again later. He is saving His best for last! And part of this great move of God is your destiny in His plan for these last days! The Quest for Revival reveals the power and perils of great revivals of the past to help springboard you into this next move of the Holy Spirit. It sounded like Pentecost repeated. "That happened ten years ago," Dick said. We agreed and decided that from that time on we would meet daily to ask God to pour out His Spirit in our lives and on the seminary.
Grangreg replied
458 weeks ago