Joey Perez, a policeman goes to Subic as a Kindergarten teacher to secretly investigate the case where he was framed up. He becomes attached to Cynthia, a co-teacher and Jimbo, his student–- both relatives of his suspects. Later on, the suspects find out where he is and plan to kill him. Not only Joey has to protect himself but also his subjects–- for him to prove his innocence. Once again we are treated to another Bong Revilla feeding his ego with the movie awfully titled Ang Titser kong Pogi. Here's the thing though, if you want to make fun of something go ahead search this movie in the internet and believe me the script will not be the one making this funny, but the actual acting and the product itself, while it's not the Room (so bad it's good type of movie), there are no redeeming qualities and not even a nude scene (from Sunshine Cruz) can't save this abomination. This is one of the reason why Philippine Cinema is on a decline artistic wise (with exception with 1 or 2 films from the annual Metro Manila Film Festival or some Independent Films). This movie sucks! This movie shamelessly rips off Kindergarten Cop. It would have been acceptable had the script been remotely funny but it seems to have been written by a child attending kindergarten class. The acting is awful, even the kids are terrible. They try so hard to be cute but nothing in the script could make them do anything that's close to cute. They end up being the most annoying class of any year.<br/><br/>No wonder Bong Revilla wants to limit the number of Hollywood films being shown in the Philippines. He clearly doesn't want Filipinos to find out he's been stealing the plots of Hollywood films. He ought to blame the success of Hollywood in the Philippines on himself. When audiences see how lazy Filipino filmmakers are, they stay away in droves and watch the original instead.
Grangreg replied
337 weeks ago