Grangreg replied

337 weeks ago

Free Download Maverick: Manhunt Brazil > DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

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A stranger arrives to the small town of Passo Fundo, south of Brazil. And he's on a manhunt of a killer. As the plot develops, Maverick sees himself in the middle of a drug conspiracy, running by an international conglomerate. Playing cat and mouse, where not only he is playing the mouse but also the bait in a fight where everything is a set up of smoke and mirrors.
A stranger arrives to the small town of Passo Fundo, south of Brazil. And he's on a manhunt of a killer that turns in a giant drug conspiracy running by an international conglomerate.
In Brasil one guy like this will not survive. Not metion the ridículos guns laws. Sorry. A big wast of time.
The movie is a total waste of time. The choreography for the fight scenes were just terrible as if the actors were bored. Half of the effects were totally unnecessary, and the necessary ones were poorly done. I could go on, but it's not worth it. Just don't bother.

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