Grangreg replied

401 weeks ago

Stay Relevant: A Blueprint for Aspiring & Present Business Owners to drive Employability Income and Profit

>>>DOWNLOAD BOOK Stay Relevant: A Blueprint for Aspiring & Present Business Owners to drive Employability Income and Profit

We all who work in different fields of job and business are facing the increasing pressure of this VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world and it is getting to be a challenge to STAY RELEVANT. Individuals are getting more confused as they are not aware of the REAL & PRACTICAL ways of facing business challenges as that has been the privilege of a selected few who had the good luck of studying and working in the best of universities and organizations. But, there are many who are not aware of where to focus or what to do in order to give their best performances in inspite of all their intent. STAY RELEVANT aims at providing a direction in the form of a blueprint to ensure that Business Owners are aware of the set of things in order to generate employability, income and profit.

Stay Relevant: A Blueprint for Aspiring & Present Business Owners to drive Employability Income and Profit ARINDAM CHAKRABORTY
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