Grangreg replied

465 weeks ago

Video Clip Of The Hindenburg >

The landing lines are dropped and then an explosion is heard. YouTube. . About Contact us . In 1997, the original reels were selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as being deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.". The newsreel was edited to show the ground crew footage prior to the fire with an explosion sound effect, giving the false impression the ship was exploding while the camera was focused to the ground. Two distinct still frames flash to transition between the ground crew scene and the footage of the fire; these appear to be from footage taken earlier of the ship's landing approach which was edited out of the final reel.[1]. Hindenburg disaster sequence captured by William Deeke of Path News . The airship flies over the landing ground at Lakehurst, New Jersey. At this point, navy ground crewmen can be seen walking close to the camera.[2].

Internet Archive. The accident happened on May 6 1937. People go up to look at the blazing ruins of the mighty airship. None of the newsreels captured the initial signs of disaster as the cameras had momentarily stopped filming after the ground crew caught the landing ropes (the fire started approximately four minutes after the first starboard rope was dropped at 7:21). Nice shots of the German airship Hindenburg flying over New York (the Swastikas on her tail fin are clearly visible). One common composite found on the internet is a silent film with Pathe footage of the first 1936 landing at Lakehurst and Hearst News of the Day Newsreel footage of the disaster, called a "Pathegram" by Eugene Castle of Castle Films. Straight Shooting As Taught By The RAF A camera gun records the exact position of fighter pilots' gunfire in mock and actual combat.

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